Tuesday, March 29, 2011

40 years....where are we heading !!!!

40 years ago i.e. in 1972,  Mrs. Indira Gandhi at United Nations Conference on Human Environment at Stockholm said "…the environment cannot be improved in conditions of poverty...". Today, even if I forget about the environmental degaradation happening in India, I don't see we are anywhere near eradication of poverty. Even UN MGD aim to end poverty by 2015. Are we near that target ? We talk about GDP growth but where is the account of Human Development Index which is decreasing?  And are we doing enough for environment protection? Stockholm Conference has lead to establishment of a separate Department of Environment in 1980 which later became the Union  Ministry of Environment and Forests in 1985.

40 years ago, agian in 1972, Project Tiger was launched as an conservation initiative to protect the tigers and thereby protecting the entire ecosystem. The first ever all-India tiger census was conducted in 1972 which revealed the existence of 1827 tigers. In 2011, the latest tiger census indicate the presence of 1706 tigers. What Project Tiger did for protection of this wild species? Is the incerase from 1411 (last census in 2007) to 1706 is a big success? Are we doing enough about poaching? Unfortunately, I have never seen any poacher behind bars.

40 years down the line i.e. by 2050, I wish to see the world going carbon neutral. I also wish India taking strong steps to mitigate carbon as calculations shows that even if developed nations undertake the deep emissions cuts recommended by IPCC (reducing emissions to 95% of 1990 levels by 2050), the desired levels of global emissions and atmospheric GHG concentrations cannot be attained without large developing countries in contributing to mitigation actions in the medium and long term. India need to take low carbon development pathway, in other words, sustainable development in all the sectors including energy, industries and even agriculture. I really wish to see 8 missions under NAPCC doing well and implementing what is there on papers. Am I dreaming too high?

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